Kennedy Johnson

Name: Kennedy Johnson
Year: Undergraduate
Program: Sport management
Q: What makes the School of Kinesiology unique?
A: SoK prepares you for the route you are looking for. It has one of the best sport management programs but could help you prepare for the medical side as well. We are different than most schools because Kinesiology is not a major where they crowd kids. Instead, we have a school where each track and class can give each student what they are looking for to help them in their career.
Q: How has the School of Kinesiology prepared you for your post-graduation goals?
A: I was fortunate enough to go on the European Summer Sport Tour led by SoK, and being able to network there has aligned with my goals, especially going to the Olympic Museum in Lausanne, Switzerland, since I'd like to work for the Olympics someday.
Q: What is your most memorable moment with the School of Kinesiology?
A: I would say, one of my first few days on campus and realizing even though I was in a class where nobody looked exactly like me, we all had the same goals and mindset for where we wanted to be in life. That class became more of a team than a competition when it came to networking and jobs and clubs.
Q: What's your a-ha moment — a time when your perspective shifted?
A: The study abroad trip taught me that I really didn’t have to stay in America to do sports. It also showed me how much passion and love people have for sports outside of the U.S. People use cricket as almost a religion, and soccer (football) is literally the most loved sport in the world and it doesn’t seem to get its flowers here.
Q: What was your favorite experience in your program/degree?
A: My intro to sport management class was one of my favorite moments because it was during the Winter Olympics, and it was kind of teaching us things in real time. I Ioved the fact I was learning something that felt relevant to my life and what I want to do.
Q: How have you changed academically, personally, or professionally since being admitted to the University of Michigan and the School of Kinesiology?
A: When coming here I thought I wanted to be more collegiate based but since being here and realizing the places I could go and people I could meet, my end goal is stadium operations for the Olympics or to work in the Olympic world in any capacity, whether it's IOC, Team USA, or even a specific sport since I am an athlete.
Q: What is your favorite thing to do in Ann Arbor?
A: Probably hang out at Trotter with my friends or go bowling.
My intro to sport management class was one of my favorite moments because it was during the Winter Olympics, and it was teaching us things in real time. I Ioved the fact I was learning something that felt relevant to my life and what I want to do.