MI recognizes Concussion Awareness Day
The U-M Concussion Center garnered the support of State Rep. Glanville and Governor Whitmer's office to recognize Concussion Awareness Day in Michigan.
On Thursday, September 14, 2023, the House Resolution 134 to establish Concussion Awareness Day in Michigan was passed. The University of Michigan Concussion Center garnered the support of State Rep. Carol Glanville and Governor Gretchen Whitmer's office to recognize Concussion Awareness Day in Michigan.
Dr. Steve Broglio, director of the U-M Concussion Center, worked with the U-M Office of Government Relations on crafting the proposal to the state. Governor Whitmer's office also issued a proclamation declaring September 15 as Concussion Awareness Day in Michigan.
Read more at myumi.ch/961bz.