Gross honored at regional conference

An article from the IPE Center has announced that four faculty members from U-M health science schools received awards from Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Education, and Research Center (MIPERC) .
The MIPERC multi-institution coalition is dedicated to incorporating interprofessional health practice with education. The awards were presented on September 22, the last day of the 2017 MIPERC conference in Grand Rapids, MI.
MIPERC bestows the awards annually for best practices in “collaborative, innovative, and interprofessional initiatives across disciplines, learning institutions, and health care systems.” Frank Ascione, director of Michigan Center for Interprofessional Education (IPE), nominated the four U-M faculty members in these two award categories:
The Demonstration Model Award went to the U-M team of Melissa Gross of the School of Kinesiology, Debra Mattison of the School of Social Work, and Minal Patel of the School of Public Health, for creating the IPE Course Adapter Toolkit. It’s a web-based resource that serves as a “one-stop shop” for instructors interested in converting their existing courses to interprofessional offerings. The faculty team conceived of the toolkit while serving as U-M Interprofessional Leadership Fellows in 2016-17.
They then launched a pilot version in the spring of 2017. In giving the award to the faculty team, MIPERC officials noted that the IPE Course Adapter Toolkit excelled in “promoting interprofessional care in the classroom and to colleagues.”
- Read the full article on the Interprofession Education website (interprofessional.umich.edu/2017/09/22/u-m-honored-at-regional-conference/)
- Dr. Gross's faculty profile