Lew Porchiazzo III

Lew, is teaching KINSTUDY 200: "Topics in Human Performance" for the Human Performance & Sport Science Center (HPSSC) and started at SoK in January.
Q: Out of everything you're working on at SoK, what are you most excited about and why?
A: I am most excited about taking my practical experience to the classroom to help educate and impact our students. Although it will be my first endeavor in a lecturer role, I am looking forward to learning a lot about myself in this role as well and growing alongside our students.
Q: How do you balance your time between the demands of work and personal life?
A: Time management and balancing work/life is challenging. I try to integrate my family and friends into the work that I do in hopes they gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for the work that I find passionate and commit my energy towards. I've learned to enjoy the small windows of time I am allotted to disconnect, guilt-free. I know this time away will allow me to decompress and revitalize so that I can put my best foot forward for everyone that I work alongside.
Q: What's your favorite thing about the School of Kinesiology and why?
A: Although I am new in this role, I have a long-held belief that the people make the place. I am already thankful for the relationships I've built with [HPSSC managing director] Susan Rinaldi, [HPSSC co-director] Ron Zernicke, [HPSSC co-director] Ken Kozloff, [associate dean of undergraduate education] Pete Bodary, and others. I look forward to learning more about everyone in Kinesiology, our students included.
Q: Who are the special people in your life?
A: My wonderful wife, Ashley, who does amazing work with our student-athletes supporting their academics success along with serving as head coach of the U-M Synchronized Skating Team. In spite of her busy schedule, she always makes time for others, and I am fortunate to share in that.
My parents, Lew and Ida, who I love dearly for their love and support. They worked hard to provide me with opportunities that they did not have themselves. I wouldn't be where I am without them.
My sister and niece, Gina and Gemma, both of whom have brought joy to my life. Watching my younger sister thrive as a mom has been inspiring. I am proud of the women they are.
Lastly, our adorable Pomeranian, Pepper. She has brought happiness to our entire family.
Q: What's one fun or surprising thing about you?
A: I have officiated three weddings to date. It's an honor that I take with tremendous pride and seriousness. To be invited to share in and lead the ceremony for a couple's most special day is humbling.
I try to integrate my family and friends into the work that I do in hopes they gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for the work that I find passionate and commit my energy towards.