Amy Davidoff

Amy was previously in a temporary position with HR. In January, she began working with Megan Kashani while also continuing to support the HR team with tasks involving temporary staff members.
Q: Out of everything you're working on, what are you most excited about?
A: I am very excited for my new role. I enjoy being the front face when people walk into the Dean's Suite and saying hello to everyone's friendly faces.
Q: What's the most meaningful or satisfying aspect of your work at SoK?
A: By far, the people I work closely with, along with the overall culture of SoK. I didn't want to leave once my temp appointment was over!
Q: What's your favorite thing about the School of Kinesiology and why?
A: The innovation and the research that goes on within these walls is absolutely fascinating to me.
Q: Who are the special people in your life?
A: My immediate family is my world — my husband, Mike, and two boys, Benji (18) and Blake (16). And, of course, my sweet dog daughter, Annie.
Q: What's one fun or surprising thing about you?
A: I can talk backwards! I can literally say most words backwards on command. Very strange but true!
I enjoy being the front face when people walk into the Dean's Suite and saying hello to everyone's friendly faces.